Effective Immediately!

As a result of covid 19 

Utah Trailways has temporarily suspended all daily Wendover trips and operations .


We are however excited to announce that we will be restarting limited daily bus services effective June 25th.

 We will be taking phone and online reservations starting June 22nd.


Currently all Nevada casinos will be opened as of June 4th.

We have decided it would be best to allow the casinos a moment to adapt to the new Nevada state gaming rules and occupancy levels before restarting services. Ultimately this will allow for a smoother transition when arriving with the buses to allow our customers a quicker entry to the casino without delays. We will continue to post updates on our social media and website over the next few weeks as we quickly approach June 25th and restarting services.

Some of the up coming updates will include ; changes to our daily and weekly schedule and changes to our boarding policies.

Thank you for your patronage, we look forward to seeing you again soon on future trips.


We ask that you do not call until June 22nd as we currently are not staffing the phones.